McGarry & Associates, Inc, Logo

Phone Icon (855) 624-4683
Florida License #A2600258


Surveillance Services

Surveillance Services

Surveillance is very important in corporate theft, insurance claims, child custody issues and marital dishonesty (divorce cases). We use effective, traditional surveillance methods as well as advanced techniques, including GPS tracking (If permissible by law).

Background Investigations (Business or Personal)

We provide extensive investigations for business or personal use. Prior to making substantial financial or life changing decisions, have our investigators conduct the research you need. Our agency has access to local, state and federal records, to provide you with the most information available.  Let us get you the information you need to make the big decisions or just give you peace of mind.

Background Investigations (Business or Personal)



Our professional Investigators will conduct a discreet Internal Reviews or Investigation of any allegation or sensitive situation. 

Fraud Prevention and Detention

For our business clients, McGarry & Associates can access confidential information, to verify the accuracy of personal information provided by the potential customer.  We will access the confidential information to prevent actual or potential fraud. 

Fraud Prevention and Detention

Child Custody Investigations

Child Custody Investigations

We have investigators that are experts in child custody and protective services investigations.

Missing Person or Asset Investigation

Locate a missing family member, spouse or property that is yours

Missing Person or Asset Investigation

Drug Detection Dogs

Drug Detection Dogs

Our dogs are specially trained to search for illicit drugs at your business, school, home or on a chartered yacht.

Bug Sweeps/GPS Detection

Our experts can sweep your business, residence or cars for electronic devices. We are also able to detect GPS location devices on your vehicles.

Bug Sweeps/GPS Detection

Resort/Hotel/Restaurant Internal and Integrity Investigations

Resort/Hotel/Restaurant Internal and Integrity Investigations

Our agency provides undercover investigations for South Florida resorts, restaurants and bars.